A Toolbox for Creating Sustainable Partnerships with Patients and Families in Research
Toolbox for building sustainable partnerships in research, tools and resources. Info on engaging patient advisory councils.
An Introduction to Effectiveness, Dissemination and Implementation Research
A resource manual for community-engaged researchers.
Beryl Institute
Resources related to the patient experience in healthcare.
Career Launch Community Engagement Rotation (CER) Director - Faculty Position Description
Carleton University: A Project Development Checklist for Community-Based Research
This Community-Based Research Toolkit is intended for community organizations trying to decide if they want to conduct research, and whether they should seek an academic partner to work with to conduct this research. This toolkit is designed as a project development checklist that acts as a guide for things to consider for community organizations conducting a research project.
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
This Documentation Framework is intended to help you gather information about your institution's commitments and activities regarding community engagement.
CE&HP Work with Trainees and Learners
Overview of CE&HP trainings and projects available campus-wide involving Trainees & Learners.
Center for Community Engagement Service Learning/Training Overview (2016)
Overview of previous, current and potential CCE Service Learning/Training activities.
ChangeLab Solutions: A Roadmap for Healthier General Plans
This roadmap, which draws from lessons learned and best practices from real-life planning process, highlights roles and strategies for key players to consider along the way.
CoMesh is an inter-institutional collaboration between San Francisco State University, Sonoma State University, University of California at San Francisco, University of San Francisco, the San Francisco City Administrator’s Office, and IQR Consulting with the mutually defined goal of establishing a shared database to promote, develop and coordinate university-community partnerships.
Community-Based Participatory Research Toolbox
Curriculum, publications, webinars and other resources provided to assist with researchers and organizations that are interested in, or about to commence, Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR).
Community-Campus Partnerships for Health
Resources that promote health equity and social justice through partnerships between community partners and institutions.
Community-Campus Partnerships for Health: Self-Assessment Tool for Service-Learning Sustainability
This self-assessment tool was designed to assist in assessing the stage of institutionalization of service-learning (SL) at multiple levels within an institution.
Community Engagement Competencies
List of competencies designed to help create learning objectives on CE related projects.
Community Engagement Modules
The purpose of these modules is to provide an introduction to community-academic partnerships and to enhance collaborations between communities and UCSF students, faculty, staff, and campus groups.
Community-Engaged Research: A Quick-Start Guide for Researchers
For academic researchers at UCSF who are interested in community-based partnerships for research
Community-Engaged Research with Community-Based Organizations: A Resource Manual for UCSF Researchers
This is one of a series of manuals developed by the UCSF Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) Community Engagement Program on conducting community-engaged and translational research.
Community-Engaged Research with Community-Based Clinicians: A Resource Manual for Researchers
This is one of a series of manuals developed by the UCSF Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) Community Engagement Program on conducting community-engaged and translational research.
Community Pediatrics Training Initiative
Collection of materials that are a blend of community and advocacy.
Community Tool Box
A free, online resource for those working to build healthier communities and bring about social change. It offers thousands of pages of tips and tools for taking action in communities.
DataCenter Oakland - Resource Toolkit
CBPR and Research justice toolkits organized by activity type and issue area. Good overview of "What is Research Justice"
Healthy Community Assessment module
INSPIRE Research Portal
CERTAIN Patient Advisory Network's INSPIRE Research Portal is an online library of resources designed for patients and researchers partnering on patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR), healthcare studies that actively engage patients in the research process from start to finish.
Module 1: Video Interview Talking points
National Center for Advancing Translational Science (NCATS), part of NIH
National Service Learning Clearing House
The site offers thousands of free online resources, the nation's largest library of service-learning materials, national service-learning listservs, and reference and technical assistance services.
Patient & Family - Health Information Resources
Links to trusted resources selected by the Patient and Family Librarian.
PCORI Engagement Tool and Resource Repository
This searchable peer-to-peer repository includes resources that can inform future work in patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR).
PFAC Rules and Confidentiality
Cancer patient and family participating on advisory council rules of engagement.
PRIDEnet: Guidance on Community Engaged Research
CAB developed this CE document for researchers wanting to access data. These are considerations, sensitivities, appropriate language, language to avoid, dissemination expectations. The content is specific to LGBTQ communities, longitudinal data set and covers social behavioral and physical health, but can be adapted.
Principles of Community Engagement: Ch. 1 What is Community Engagement?
Principles of Community Engagement (Second Edition) provides public health professionals, health care providers, researchers, and community-based leaders and organizations with both a science base and practical guidance for engaging partners in projects that may affect them.
PolicyLink: Community Engagement & Participation Checklist Addressing Disparities for Healthier Places
The items included in this outline are important components of an authentic and participatory community engagement process. This outline should be used to help assess the extent to which you are integrating community input and involvement into your project.
Publication: The Community Health and Advocacy Milestones Profile: A Novel Tool Linking Community Pediatrics and Advocacy Training to Assessment of Milestones-Based Competence in Pediatric Residency Training
PRIDEnet: Guidance for Ancillary Study Applicants: Overview of PRIDEnet’s Participant Advisory Committee (PAC)
Racial Equity Tools
This site offers tools, research, tips, curricula and ideas for people who want to increase their own understanding and to help those working toward justice at every level – in systems, organizations, communities and the culture at large.
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation: Health Impact Assessment: A Tool for Promoting Health in All Policies
Overview of the importance of a Health Impact Assessment and how the tool systematically analyzes health implications for policies outside the health sector.
SOM LCME/ Accreditation Submission on Community Engaged Learning
Description of Community Engaged Learning opportunities at UCSF.
Southern CA CTSI
Comprehensive toolbox for translational science, including community engagement.
UCSF CCE Service Learning Proposal
Proposal: Clinical and Community Experiential Learning Hub.
UCSF Service Learning Survey - Final Report
Survey findings and recommendations for service-learning at UCSF.
UCSF Service Learning Committee Overview
Overview of members, mission, goals, definition and action items.
UCSF SOM Strategic Plan Action Group on Community Partnerships - Default Report
Work group feedback for UCSF SOM strategic goals and activity related to Community Partnerships.
UCSF University Community Partnerships Council Service Learning Committee
Summary of Service-Learning Working Group documents from 2006 to 2008.
University New Mexico - Center for Participatory Research
Several CBPR best practices and tools available. Resources were created out of experiences with Native Americans.
Zuckerberg San Francisco General - Competency Map for the STEP UP Certificate in Health Equity Studies
UCSF graduate level learners who rotate at Zuckerberg San Francisco General (ZSFG) and are committed to working with underserved populations are eligible to obtain the STEP UP Certificate in Health Equity Studies.The five educational domains addressed in the STEP UP Health Equity Certificate Program are described in the document.